Fundacja Oddech Życia (Breath of Life Foundation) asks for support for cystic fibrosis patients from Ukraine. We help patients coming to Poland and those who stayed in Ukraine. We direct support to Ukraine through the Lviv hospital.
What we need:
– nutrients (nutridrinks), vitamins, digestive enzymes
– cleaning products, hygiene products for child and adult
– products for babies’ care
– disinfectants
– a powerbank (min. 10k mAh) to power the portable inhaler
– solar powerbank to power the portable inhaler
– AA and AAA batteries for portable inhalers
– portable inhalers
– nebulizers
– OPEP equipment (Aerobics, Flutter, Acapella)
Shipping address:
Foundation Oddech Zycia
os. Zurowa 516
32-434 Skomielna Biala
With the annotation “humanitarian aid / pomoc humanitarna”
contact: [email protected]
You can also support the Breath of Life Foundation financially by making a donation to the following account:
Beneficiary account (IBAN): PL 22102049000000890231042759
Beneficiary bank name: Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA
Beneficiary bank code (BIC, SWIFT): BPKOPLPW
Bank transfer title: Aid for Ukraine